Barbara Ryan and Walter Reed
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Updates from Barbara Ryan on Scott, Travis, Michael and Walter Reed Hospital


I have read everyone's reply thus far and sincerely appreciate the
kind words.... HOWEVER, I am embarrassed to accept much less receive
a thank you for my visit. Yesterday I met some of the most
thoughtful and gracious human beings I will ever meet in my
lifetime. I could not ever thank them enough for their sacrifice for
my freedoms, my children's freedoms, and our future generations

Just some history here. This was actually my 5th visit to Walter
Reed. My first visit was to meet a soldier and his mom that I had
become friends with on an Army Moms site. My second visit was to
that same soldier – to take him a bag of gummy worms – he had a
craving for them – I was close by and could help - and unfortunately
his mother had to return home, to work, and to continue to support
her family. He was alone. That was enough for me!!!

…which brings me to this sad but very real fact of life. Yesterday's
visit just pounded this fact home even more. The Thornes are
wonderful caring humans and obviously their mere presence has
absolutely helped Scott in his recovery process. The Majors family
sit day in and day out by the bed of their son – absolutely loving a
son that will never be what he was. His road in life has been
changed. That is not at all to say that it will not be fulfilling –
but it will be different. The Oreskovic's are there with their son
and will advocate strongly. Also, Michael's road has taken a turn.
He will have months of physical therapy, ups and downs, and road he
is just beginning to travel. I found these 3 families amazing. The
Thornes have a plan and are working it. The Majors have a plan that
may take on many changes day to day. The Oreskovics are just
beginning their plans. As you can see all three families have
different stories, different injuries, and different roads.

BUT they all do have one common "ROAD" with the same signs on them….
This "ROAD" has $$$$$ signs all over them. $$$$$$ signs that the
military does not offer any help for. Where most of us that have
husbands, children and friends fighting and our greatest concern
(other than their safety) is what will we put in their next care
package, what will we buy for their Homecoming, where will we stay
when they come home for the party… These families would love that
concern now but instead their concerns are mortgages, rent, electric
bills, phone bills, food, etc. Jobs is also a major factor – do I go
to Walter Reed and risk losing my job? Without question – all have
chosen Walter Reed and I am sure many jobs have been lost.

Please understand that my intent on posting this is NOT based on any
personal knowledge whatsoever of the financial situations of these
three families – but rather on these families as a whole. I have
absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of their personal situation and
we did not discuss this on a personal level – but touched on it
globally for the families there as a whole. They need our support,
they need our prayers, they need us to help them Our help should be
with the same enthusiasm as we have given to our care packages. Our
help should be given without Thank Yous or personal motivation or
gains. We need to support these HEROES who unselfishly and literally
gave us "their being" to protect us. ….and "WE" need to support them
AFTER their return since they now can not support themselves without
our help. It is a small small Thank You to them from us.

Barbara, Proud Mother of Scott




Again, just as before, I was honored and very very much humbled by
my experience...

I got to Walter Reed at approximately 2:00 p.m. and after checking
with information, I got Scott Thorne, Travis Majors, and Michael O's
room numbers.... and just as a funny side note... they are the 4th,
5th and 7th floors... and if you have never been there, you would
not panic... but since I had, I was ACUTELY aware that the place is
HUGE!!! It is massive and there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to
how the floors are set up and I will have find 3 different rooms on
3 different floors. I immediately started to somewhat panic. ... I
thought (just for a moment) "Oh God I am going to be lost in this
hospital FOREVER!!"...... and bravely I headed for the elevator and
to Mike O's son's room first - my reason was that I already felt a
connection and would not hesitate to walk in....sooooo from the
lobby elevator my journey began.....

I found the 5th floor... and went to the nurses station and asked
for Michael O's room... they informed that he was in surgert and
they could not help me on the whereabouts of his parents (I believe
HIPA laws).... sooooo now to Scott's room... hmmm amazingly, I found
that with no problems... and walked in.... when I walked in... I at
first felt like an alien... "who is this strange lady".... BUT
immediately felt quite comfortable after I introduced myself and met
everyone... mom, dad, wife and Scott's absolutely adorable baby
daughter (whose head of hair would put 90% of the men in this
country to shame!!!).... Scott did appear very very tired BUT was
extremely pleasant... I recognize that visitors - though very
welcomed - also can probably be stressful... that instinct to
entertain I think kicks in..... Scott looks wonderful and obviously
is progressing beyond everyones wildest dreams... also, and without
any hurt to his very loving family... I know (based only on seeing
his injuries) that it is only because of our miraculous medical
technology that he is alive!!!

It was now time to leave and both Steve and Julie left with me - to
take me to meet Majors and to hopefully find Mike O. On the way to
meet Majors, both Julie and Steve filled me in on so much... and
when I say filled me in - I do not mean negative comments BUT real
policy and procedure... I was so so impressed with Steve's knowledge
of the system and his command of the medical arena... I knew then I
want HIM as my advocate... then they proceeded to prepare me for
meeting Majors.. the extent of his injuries, etc. We gowned up and
washed our hands and went in.... Both Steve and Julie were extremely
comfortable with seeing him and speaking with him... they were truly
amazing... I, on the other hand, almost immediately knew I would not
be able to handle this... I met his mother and I met him... he was
gracious, sweet, and obviously thankful that I was there... how
humbling... I, also for the 1st time in my life, was speechless...
after telling him he was a hero and that my prayers will always be
with him... I left the room... and like Scott when he left, cried
like a baby!!! Humbling and amazing again, Julie came out and
actually comforted me... this mother who has tirelessly cared for
her son, heroically stood by his bed, graciously shared her pain
with me... she comforted me. Steve then came out and asked if I was
OK - I said yes... and he said... "no you are not".... how could I
not be... after seeing these absolutely amazing men overcome
remarkable injuries....

..on to our next stop... ICU where Scott was when he was first
admitted... They introduced me to a wife whose husband has been
there since last November... and who has left her job at her home to
be with her husband and is now an ICU nurse at Walter Reed...
again... courage is what I saw.... amazing courage!!!!

...and back now to finding Mike O... where oh where is Mike... you
should have seen Julie and I stopping in every waiting room and
asking "are there any Oreos in here".... welllll we thought it was
funny.... and the people in the waiting rooms answered BUT looked at
us strangely.... and just before we got back to the 5th floor
ward... this man came walking by with a "Stryker Tee Shirt" on and
Steve said ...."Mike???" and guess what????? IT WAS MIKE!!!! I think
he was with Waldo - and had it not been for the Stryker Tee shirt...
we would have missed him..... after introduing ourselves... and Mike
filling us in on everything... etc., etc.... both Steve and Mike
unknowingly began my "military lesson".... (I posted the rest of my
visit with Mike on his site). was now time to leave... and when I say it was an educational
day, humbling day, emotional day, none of those descriptions
adequately describe the day with our wounded soldiers, our heros,
our STRYKERS!!!!!!!!

.... and so this story concludes... but not without letting everyone
know... I have made a date with Julie... to go shopping
tomorrow!!!!!!! She needs to get away and I need to shop!! Truly
good medicine!
Barbara, Proud Mother of Scott

Walter Reed






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