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Women In The Army

We have women in the military, but they don't put
us in the front lines.

They don't know if we can fight, if we can kill. I
think we can.

All the general has to do is walk over to the
women and say, "You see the enemy over
there? They say you look fat in those uniforms."

Thanks “S”

Welcome all my friends to Newton's Best of the Best, Site 9!

This MP unit has a long and proud history.

Visit them on their home page.

391st MP Crest

391st Military Police Battalion (I/R)


  • 342nd MP Company
  • 375th MP Company
  • 391st MP Company
  • 447th MP Company


  • Columbus, OH

Official Homepage

The 391th MP Battalion is located in Columbus, Ohio. The battalion is part of the 300th MP Command out of Inkster, Michigan which reports to the 88th RSC. The unit is always looking for good troops to join a team with subordinate units in Zanesville, Troy, and Akron, Ohio. Positions vary, and include military police, intelligence, carpenters, clerks, investigators, cooks, armorers, medics, etc.

Upon mobilization HHC 391st MP Bn will deploy by land, sea, or air anywhere in the world and be prepared to provide Enemy Prisoner of War, Internment/Resettlement support and command & control of assigned Military Police Guard/Escort Guard or Law & Order units, and be prepared to fight and win.

the 391st MP Battalion was constituted 28 October 1944 in the Army of the United States as a Military Police Battalion. Activated 03 November 1944 in France. Inactivated 12 November 1945 in England. Allotted to the Organized Reserve 05 February 1947 and assigned to the Second Army (later re-designated as the Second United States Army). Organized Reserve re-designated 24 March 1948 as the Organized Reserve Corps; re-designated 09 July 1952 as the Army Reserve. Companies B and C activated 24 February 1947; Headquarters activated 06 March 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio. Ordered into active military service 08 October 1950 at Cleveland, Ohio. Inactivated 01 June 1952 at Fort Meade, Maryland. Activated 14 June 1954 with Headquarters at Zanesville, Ohio. Inactivated 16 May 1955 at Zanesville, Ohio. Relieved 09 May 1991 from assignment to the Second United States Army; Reassigned to the Fourth United States Army and activated at Columbus, Ohio.

The 391st Military Police Detachment from Columbus, Ohio, served in Kosovo as part of Operation Joint Guardian in 2001. The 391st provided nearly 50 soldiers, including 14 augmentees, to operate the Camp Bondsteel Detention Facility. The facility houses detainees considered to be a threat to a safe and secure environment in Kosovo. Although they are called detainees, they still act like prisoners. The unit attended a two-week mission rehearsal exercise to become familiar with possible scenarios previously experienced by past Kosovo rotations and to help the group understand the challenges they could face in the Balkan region. Shortly before the 391st arrived at Camp Bondsteel, a detainee escaped from the facility. After the 391st arrival, several physical security changes were made to enhance the security of the facility.

The 391st MP BN's Unit Crest consists of a black crenellated tower issuing from a gold disc, surmounted by a gold key, wards up, and overall two gold swords saltirewise, points down above a green scroll inscribed "DIGNITY AND HONOR" in gold letters. Green and gold are colors traditionally associated with the Military Police Corps. The tower is representative of the unit's World War II service in Europe and suggests physical security. Security is also denoted by the key and further emphasizes the unit's mission to provide administration and support for the operation of an internment facility. The swords are shown saltirewise and with points down to represent the nonbelligerent security mission. Black denotes strength of purpose.




Tom and the General


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